Although BlueNova was officially founded in July 2015, it originated as an idea, not yet named, months before this date, when the company’s eventual co-founder and (still) CEO, James Verster, decided to conduct extensive research on the continued availability of utility-supplied energy in South Africa. Since all resulting projections of this research pointed towards an inevitable continued decline in grid reliability, Verster immediately decided to embark on an international search for reliable suppliers of high performance storage components suitable for the South African environment. Following numerous visits to the largest production facilities in China – the world’s leading exporter of lithium-ion components by volume – lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) was finally identified as the optimum chemistry to be introduced to Southern African environments, based on its high power output, ultra-efficient charge/discharge capability, temperature resilience & inherent safety characteristics.

The first premium-grade LiFePO4 cells to land on South African shores quickly re-emerged (from a humble makeshift workshop at the time) in the form of the first 48V-compatible BlueNova LiFePO4 prototype battery, followed soon after by the first production units officially sold – each supplied with a 10 year warranty. Eight years later (as of June 2023), the products supplied in these initial batches have been confirmed to still be operational in accordance with our original specifications, and all associated warranties remain unclaimed.