Shoto Solar Batteries

Shoto is a leading manufacturer of green energy storage solutions. Since its founding in 1990, Shoto has built solid expertise in the field of energy storage and has become a convinced supporter of green energy. Shoto has successfully expanded its solutions for telecoms, data centers, energy storage systems and renewable energies worldwide with branches in all continents and more than 100 million satisfied customers. As one of the world’s largest manufacturers of lead-acid batteries and lithium, Shoto has more than 30 years of experience and is one of the “China Top 100 Electronic Information Enterprises” and one of the “World Top 500 New” Energy Companies. SHOTO offers the highest safety and performance standards for battery solutions for private households and commercial purposes

The Shoto lithium battery is made of safe and reliable materials. It is the perfect solar battery for a solar power system and provides energy in the event of load shedding. Your Shoto will work with solar panels and grid power to run your home or business during the day. Shoto battery distributors are for anyone looking for solar batteries for their home or business.